FAS Wealth Partners

Q4 2023 Political Webinar

The below video features a conversation between FAS Managing Director, Tom Meier and special guest Michael Townsend with Charles Schwab.

Mr. Townsend is Schwab’s Washington-based political analyst. With more than 30 years of Washington experience, he analyzes legislative, regulatory, and political developments to determine how they could affect individual investors, retirement plan participants, and investment advisers. Prior to joining Schwab in 2000, Michael worked at Powell Tate, Inc., a Washington, D.C. public affairs firm, and previously worked for two US Senators from Maine. He holds an MA in English from George Mason University and a BA in English from Bowdoin College.

We hope you enjoy the presentations and find the information useful!  Please don’t forget to also watch our Market & Economic Review of Q4 2023.

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