FAS Wealth Partners

FAS Wealth Partners – Bob Stein Presentation

Below is a recording of the live presentation we hosted last week with Bob Stein, an award-winning economic forecaster. We are over midway through 2023 and many questions about the economy remain. How will inflation impact our economy? What will the macroeconomic policy themes be for the rest of 2023 and into 2024? Who will the nominees for president be in 2024?

Below is a recording of the live presentation we hosted last week with Bob Stein, an award-winning economic forecaster. We are over midway through 2023 and many questions about the economy remain. How will inflation impact our economy? What will the macroeconomic policy themes be for the rest of 2023 and into 2024? Who will the nominees for president be in 2024?

Bob provided a unique look at politics and economics based on his prior experience with the US Treasury Department and on Capitol Hill where he was the Chief Economist for the Senate Budget Committee.

We hope you enjoy the recording.

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